Flow Engineering changelog

Hierarchy Depth

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Display and Filter by Hierarchy Depth

We've made it much faster to see the depth of each requirement at a glance inside a table view. Previously this only possible to do in a tree view. We now also allow you to filter by depth, which makes it easier to understand higher-order effects a given system has.

You can add hierarchy depth as a column (+) to any table view or use it as a filter by selecting ↳ Hierarchy Depth under filters.

View fields across all configurations

If you're using configurations, we've made it very simple to understand how fields differ between configurations.

Minor features

  • Performance improvements for large projects

  • We now prevent adding global and organisation data to a system

  • "Duplicate Project" button is now disabled while duplication in progress

  • Showing now all field values across all configs

  • "Current Value" has been renamed to "Actual Value"

  • Demo data should now be correctly created for every new user

  • Display recent features shipped in app