Flow Engineering changelog
Hierarchy Depth

Display and Filter by Hierarchy Depth
We've made it much faster to see the depth of each requirement at a glance inside a table view. Previously this only possible to do in a tree view. We now also allow you to filter by depth, which makes it easier to understand higher-order effects a given system has.
You can add hierarchy depth as a column (+) to any table view or use it as a filter by selecting ↳ Hierarchy Depth under filters.
View fields across all configurations
If you're using configurations, we've made it very simple to understand how fields differ between configurations.

Minor features
Performance improvements for large projects
We now prevent adding global and organisation data to a system
"Duplicate Project" button is now disabled while duplication in progress
Showing now all field values across all configs
"Current Value" has been renamed to "Actual Value"
Demo data should now be correctly created for every new user
Display recent features shipped in app