Flow Engineering changelog

Improvements to workflows and dependency and architecture views

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Items grouped in dependency view by system

Items belonging to same systems are now highligted in the dependencies view for added clarity.

Ability to save and share system architecture view across a project.

We've made it easier to set and share architecture views that are persistent and look the same across all project users.

Automatically set a stage when a requirement moves into review

We've improves workflows where you can now use 'In Review' stage as a trigger and auto-set different stages for requirements.

Minor changes

  • System Architecture View feature-flag applies project-wide

  • Option to focus from table view context menu

  • Offer division in Design Values

  • Improved new user sign up flow

  • Remove beta from analysis page

  • Only Admins can define Custom Fields

  • Organization Admins can remove projects

  • Create personal Organization for user upon sign-up

  • Expand-all and collapse-all on System table view

  • More detail when deleting Requirements/Systems

  • Ability to link Requirements to Systems via API

  • Ability to indent bullet points by more than one off the parent bullet

Bug fixes

  • Fix selecting columns/rows in importer

  • Fix off by 1 search count

  • Display System counts in System page navigation panel

  • Fix description overflow on System page

  • Fix tab name color in Dark mode

  • Tidy toolbar overflow in text-box menus

Sort by Any Column, and API Improvements

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Sort by any column

A quality of life improvement that allows you to quickly sort directly from any column header.

Customise verification methods

You can now customise the available verification method options for requirements. To to Settings → Requirements → Verification Method to add or remove options.

Minor changes

  • Raw requirement statements now exposed via API

  • Systems view now displays a table view by default

  • Added a new toolbar button for quickly referencing data in the description field of a requirement

  • Project admins can now rename or delete baselines

  • A new context menu added to systems navigation panel

  • You can now edit or delete comments

Project Feed, Admin Permissions, and Systems View Improvements

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Project Feed

We've added a new section on the home screen which gives an overview of the latest changes that have happened in your project.

System Architecture view

  • System position now persists across projects

  • Ability to add multiple interfaces between two systems

  • Replaced design values with requirements on interfaces

  • Ability to connect systems together

  • Data now shown on tiles

Admin permissions

  • You can now allow only admins to edit project settings

  • Only project and organisation admins are able to edit project or organisation level data

Google Sheets integration released from Beta

  • To get started, connect your Google acccount with Flow (Settings > Integrations > Google). Once done, you can now bring any spreadsheet into Flow.

Minor Features

  • Rename and set ranges on Model Outputs

  • Support email changed to [email protected]

  • Fixed an issue some users had on dismissing the changelog modal

  • Added custom fields for Design Values importer

  • Fix Organisation members not being displayed in mention popover

  • Fix project requirement change history copy

  • Fix previewing google sheets files with long sheet name (31+ characters)

  • Fix Design Value pill truncated in Model inputs table

  • Fix duplication for interfaces

  • Fix Organisation Requirement message in change history

  • Fix selecting Stage

  • Fixed system/design unit references

Hierarchy Depth

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Display and Filter by Hierarchy Depth

We've made it much faster to see the depth of each requirement at a glance inside a table view. Previously this only possible to do in a tree view. We now also allow you to filter by depth, which makes it easier to understand higher-order effects a given system has.

You can add hierarchy depth as a column (+) to any table view or use it as a filter by selecting ↳ Hierarchy Depth under filters.

View fields across all configurations

If you're using configurations, we've made it very simple to understand how fields differ between configurations.

Minor features

  • Performance improvements for large projects

  • We now prevent adding global and organisation data to a system

  • "Duplicate Project" button is now disabled while duplication in progress

  • Showing now all field values across all configs

  • "Current Value" has been renamed to "Actual Value"

  • Demo data should now be correctly created for every new user

  • Display recent features shipped in app

Dark Mode and Current View Data Exports

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Dark mode

You can now use Flow in dark mode. You can find the toggle under Settings > Account > General > Enable Dark Mode.

Data Export from Current View

You can now run a data export (.csv) from the current view you're in. You can initiate the export under the 'Display' navigation item.

Table for Organization Requirements in System View

We've made it easier to view organisation requirements. Previously you could view these from the details panel, but now we have a dedicated table view that gives you better access to the properties of organisation-level requirements.

Minor updates

  • Flow now remembers the last visited project

  • We now allow unvarying from base configuration

  • Fix: epsilon3 link on integration page

  • Improved error messages when changing to Stage

  • Added count of the number of items in each table in System View

  • Ability to open requirements in a different tab on Ctrl+Click

  • We're now show a tooltip with a reason when drag and drop is not allowed

  • A link to a 'give feedback' page added. You can access this through the compass icon.

  • We've introduced a new support chat tool (Pylon), which helps make our support response times even better

  • We now show organization/project requirement tag on Requirement Details

Native Google Sheets Integration

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Engineering runs on spreadsheets and Google Sheets has been by far and away the most requested Flow integration. You can now use Flow's Google Sheets integration to extract data from specific cells and check those values against your requirements.

To get started, connect your Google acccount with Flow (Settings > Integrations > Google). Once done, you can now bring any spreadsheet into Flow.

Flow's built-in data importer also now supports Google Sheets, allowing you to bring all your requirements into Flow within minutes.

Currently in closed beta. Reach out if you'd like to start using this.

Minor updates

  • Allow unsetting requirement type

  • Add border top to the first selected row in table view

  • Fix: Creating an aggregate doesnt calculate its value correctly

  • Add unit field to value creation form

  • Close slide over panel when archive change request approved

  • Fix: baseline items leaking into org level requirements

  • Reset search when clicking into a system

  • Persist system page after refresh

  • Allow setting tags via API

  • Fix: not able to update filter aggregates

  • Change wording on auto set to "completion"

  • Use change icon for change request notifications

  • Fix: System UUID displayed instead of name in RE view

Systems Architecture View (MBSE) V1

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We're very excited to start bringing in modern Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach into Flow.

The new architecture view allows any engineer to quickly create and confirm requirements using system and behavioral diagrams, enabling faster breakdown and real-time tracking. Include more team members and make it easier for everyone to communicate by organizing information and tasks efficiently.

Currently in beta. To enable this new view, go over to Settings > Project > General, and enable the Systems Architecture View toggle.

Other updates

  • New way to display systems in the table view. It should be much clearer now to see what's in a system, and where they start and stop

  • Improvements to system search

  • A change request is now opened when a user tries to delete a requirement or value